Social Media: How to Make It Work for You
When you hear the term social media, what do you think of? Due to the word “media”, a lot of people think of the “news media” or “social news”. This is understandable since that word has always been linked to the news. And, believe me, you are not alone.
4 Easy Ways to Make Money With FacebookThere has being a lot of questions asked about how to make money with Facebook. Most people ask this question because they want to know the financial opportunities that Facebook provides. Facebook attracts millions of users from around the globe daily. Anyone who takes advantage of the opportunities to make money with Facebook has a lot to gain.
Responding Constructively to Readers’ ReviewsIf you have a web presence for business, everyone has access to your presence and people love to make themselves heard. Some of the reviews online will be positive and many will be negative. Responding effectively is critical to you.
One Million LikesWhy has the “one million likes to get X” trend taken off so prominently? Is there something meaningful about the one million amount, and why are people that desperate for attention anyways?
How to Use Twitter to Its Full Potential – Killer Tips for 2013These are the Twitter tips you can start using today in order to build your online reputation and gain more followers which you will eventually turn into potential buyers. Using Twitter for business isn’t that hard. These tips will definitely help you to find out more things about this social network.