PINTEREST PIN DESIGN TIPS & TRICKS: How to get more clicks on Pinterest by improving your pin design

10 Facebook Live Hacks You’ll Want to Know About

With zillions of marketing messages a day, people are bombarded with social media updates. How can you get your posts to stand out? Facebook Live brings fans right to where the action is.

Facebook Marketing for Beginners

New to Facebook marketing? Here are some easy tips that will help you pump up your Facebook business page!

Guide On Using Using Facebook to Market Your Business

Over 45% of small business owners use Facebook as one of their online marketing strategies. The unfortunate thing is that up 40% of those using the platform don’t get results that propel their business forward. According to Facebook experts, the reason for the poor results is because most of these people don’t use the platform properly. To help you out, here are tips on how to properly use the social media giant to market your business:

The Role of Social Media in PR

The advent of the Internet has been no less revolutionary for the way people relate with the world around them, than the discovery of the use of fire or the invention of wheel was for early man. Among the most important advancements in communication technology that was spawned by the Internet revolution is the introduction of social media channels of communications.

10 Quick Tips For Marketing On Twitter

Twitter is an extraordinary tool for marketers because not only does it keep the content precise and to the point, the platform is also visited by millions of people each day. That’s why each business needs to learn how to promote its services on Twitter properly, and here are some of the best tips to keep in mind!

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