The What, Why and How of Hashtags in Your Company Social Media Site
Twitter has been on the social media arena for quite some time now. But even so, it seems like many users still have not learned the Twitter 101 basics. Hashtags are one of the Twitter languages being used in tweets; if you’re aiming at getting it right with your social media advertising, you better learn what this small symbol stands for.
Social Media – Don’t Read This!This article illustrates the top reasons most small businesses need social media to increase their reach. Does your company have a well rounded social media presence. Compare your current campaign to our list of must have’s.
How Social Media Marketing Is Working Harder For YouThere is some good news for anyone who looks toward social media marketing to expand their brand reach. More and more, social media websites are enabling marketers to specifically hone in on their targeted demographic.
Quick Tips on Social Media Marketing For BloggersSocial media marketing for bloggers is a great idea. Marketing is a major tool to every business or initiative. Coming up with an idea and not telling the world about it is mean to yourself and the people who would benefit from the knowledge of your endeavors.
Social Media Marketing Strategies for Bloggers: Five Tips to Improve Your Facebook EngagementHaving your very own self hosted blog crucial to your online success. A blog will give you leverage over your competitors; it will also give you control and you can customize it anyway you like.