How to Change YouTube Banner on Mobile – iPhone & Android – 2021

Methodological Tools For the Analysis Of Fiction

This essay aims to analyze the methodological tools for the exegesis of fiction. The methodological tools are Fictoricks, esoteric carnival, symbolic symbiosis, and museaphoria.

To Sleep Better Do This

In my 37 years of chiropractic practice, I can’t tell you how many people have told me that, for no specific reason, they sleep poorly. This is unfortunate because adequate sleep is extremely important for our health. There are natural, safe ways to improve one’s sleep. This article will discuss a helpful method to obtain proper sleep and be fully rested.

Hegel’s Dialectic And Geist From Christian Hermeneutics

This is an article on interpreting the Philosopher Hegel’s Geist and the Master-Slave dialectic from a Christian Perspective. For Hegel the Master dialectic is submissive to the slave but this conception is altered when looked at it from a Christian perspective.

Methods Of Interpreting History

This essay is an attempt made by the author to provide new methodological tools for the interpretation of History. History can be interpreted from the following view-points and they are the per-formative, glasnost, perestroika, cultural noesis and political entelechy.

How Do You Embrace a Growth Mindset?

People with a growth mindset believe they can grow. And if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, a growth mindset is what you need.

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